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High pitched Whine when hot
By John - 06/18/2006 9:36:28 AM; IP
For the past several years, I have a high pitched whine that changes with engine rpm. It seems to be coming from the driver's side front. There's not much on that side of the 428 except the Mallory distributor and the ignition coil. This only happens when the engine has run for about an hour, and doesn't seem to happen at all on cold days. The noise is very high picthed and doesn't sound as bad as alternator or water pump bearings. I had this problem before I rebuilt the engine. I still have it. I wonder how the dist shaft gets lubricated. Also, the gear on a Mallory Dist isn't very tight to the shaft like a Ford unit. Any ideas anyone?
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Collapse <b>High pitched Whine when hot</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>John, <i>06/18/2006</i></font>High pitched Whine when hot -- John, 06/18/2006
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 RE: High pitched Whine when hot -- giacamo, 06/18/2006
 RE: High pitched Whine when hot -- John, 06/18/2006
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