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You need more PSI in a side oiler - here's why
By Royce P - 06/18/2006 12:43:53 PM; IP
Ford originally used a high pressure oil pump in every side oiler. The reason is that the side oiler loses a lot of oil pressure before the oil gets up to the rocker shafts, since the crank gets the oil first. The path for oil to reach the rocker shafts is complex, tortuous and long since it has to go through the cam bearings where more leakage and pressure loss occurs.

The pressure you see on the guage is at the oil pump / filter housing. The side oiler used another pressure regulating valve at the rear of the block where MORE leakage occurs and pressure is regulated to maintain the desired flow to the top of the engine. While you might see 100 PSI on the guage in a cold engine the rocker shafts might be seeing 10 PSI at the same time.

My recommendation: Use a high volume / high pressure pump in a side oiler if it is being street driven. Use a larger capacity oil pan too.

Three side oilers in my cars right now, all equipped with HV / HP pumps.
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 full groove bearings/Oil pump/427 -- mrgte, 06/18/2006
 RE: full groove bearings/Oil pump/427 -- John, 06/18/2006
Collapse <b>You need more PSI in a side oiler - here's why</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Royce P, <i>06/18/2006</i></font>You need more PSI in a side oiler - here's why -- Royce P, 06/18/2006
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 RE: You need more PSI in a side oiler - here's why -- mrgte, 06/18/2006
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=27756&Reply=27746><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<a href="#" id="anchor27756" onclick="return false;">You can get one here</a>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Royce P, <i>06/18/2006</i></font><script type="text/javascript">
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 You can get one here -- Royce P, 06/18/2006
 RE: You can get one here -- Royce P, 06/18/2006
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