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RE: High pitched Whine when hot
By John - 06/18/2006 5:48:35 PM; IP
It doesn't sound like that....not a whistle......more like a bearing, but not a screach, and of a pitch much higher in frequency than anything that should be rotating.

I've made sure everything is tight, and the engine was rebuilt once and the whine is still there. I've changed cylinder head gaskets since then too, (which means exhaust gaskets, etc,. have all been changed) and it's stll there, but not always, so troubleshooting is difficult. I hate waiting until something breaks to find out.

I have a mechanics stethascope...next time it happens, I am going to try to pinpoint the noise.....if I can.

I know it's hard to tell about noises wihtout hearing them. I'm no slouch around engines, but I've never heard anything like it before. Any ideas are appreciated. I was hoping someone may have experienced the same thing before and could provide some light into the matter.
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 High pitched Whine when hot -- John, 06/18/2006
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 RE: High pitched Whine when hot -- giacamo, 06/18/2006
RE: High pitched Whine when hot -- John, 06/18/2006
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