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RE: You can't deck it that far
By Chris Shomaker - 06/19/2006 7:12:02 AM; IP
Maybe trying to get it to rev 8k? I agree with Royce, you will have bad cracking and warping proably from just tightening the heads down. And not to mention blown gaskets every few thousand miles.

On a side note, you may run into clearance issues with a stroke like that, either from scraping on the counterweights to dropping the pistons to low in the skirt and causing cracks.

If you have your heart set on doing that it might be a wise idea to assemble atleast the crank and one piston and check how they relate to each other. And if everything works have the block sonic checked. If that works then i want you to tell me how you are going to get the intake to mate up with that kind of a drop? Not busting your chops just pointing out that if you mill the intake that much its going to cause issues with the ports and even a valley for fuel to gather. Then on top of that i dont think you could get the valve covers to seal if you droped it that much. Either way, if you can get it to work out, i applaude your out side the box thinking. If not hey, atleast you tried. Pick up the peices and start over.
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 deck milling limts for 428 block -- Jonathan Eppstein, 06/18/2006
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 You can't deck it that far -- Royce P, 06/18/2006
RE: You can't deck it that far -- Chris Shomaker, 06/19/2006
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 RE: You can't deck it that far -- Jonathan Eppstein, 06/19/2006
 RE: You can't deck it that far -- Royce P, 06/19/2006
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