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RE: You can't deck it that far
By Royce P - 06/19/2006 12:39:29 PM; IP
Forged cranks are heavier. In the case of the one you have it was intended to allow a big heavy truck to lug along wide open throttle at 5000 RPM with a heavy load.

A high performance forged crank would be much lighter so that acceleration would be better. For your uses I think a good cast iron crank is best. Cast cranks are light and reliable. I posted a link to the best place to get a new one above.

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 deck milling limts for 428 block -- Jonathan Eppstein, 06/18/2006
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 You can't deck it that far -- Royce P, 06/18/2006
 RE: You can't deck it that far -- Chris Shomaker, 06/19/2006
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 RE: You can't deck it that far -- Jonathan Eppstein, 06/19/2006
RE: You can't deck it that far -- Royce P, 06/19/2006
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